Early morning pontification
Pontification - To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way.
Im not sure whether it seems pretentious to put a definition
of a word, that you have used in the title . After all theoretically
if your using the word you know what it means therefore you
are acknlowedging that your potential audience may perhaps not
know the word, therefore you are in someway superior in intellect.
Id like to calrify that isnt the case, as i thought about using
the word, i kept thinking it had something to do with the pope, and began
to question whether it had anything to do with thinking. So
really the definition is there for me more than it is for you.
Anyway whilst lying in bed, there is a period where you keep
going back to sleep , and then after that there is actually
a window of creativity that opens up in your mind allowing
you to come up with some potentially interesting ideas. Most
people dont get to experience this as they have to go to
work, i am lucky that i can just lie in bed till i want.
Perhaps the ideas are just interesting whilst your lying down. I
guess that is why a psychiatrist makes u lie down during
a session, or at least so Ive seen in movies ...
So i decided that I should write a version of four weddings
and a funeral , but bollywood/indian style. It seems only
logical, coz Indian movies often focus on weddings , and
ive been to a few indian (&non indian) weddings so I could
have something to draw on.
But then i began to mathematically prove in my head , that
there are virtually no good single girls available. The
emphasis being on "good". Of course there are single girls
available and as there are single guys. In fact it is more
likley that a guy will go out with 2 girls at the same
time than a girl would with 2 guys, therefore, that would
explain to a small extent why there would be less available
girls for guys, because of the number of two timing guys.
Even tho this helps prove my theory, lets for a second ignore that,
and assume the numbers are equal.
Lets categorise girls in alpha, beta, omega and delta classes.
Where alpha girls are the most desirable, and delta girls
to the majority of guys are the least desirable.
Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder so in an individual
case anything is possible. What am i hypothesising is in "longer
term" relationships excluding one night stands etc, the pool
of alpha and beta girls at any one time available is far less than
to their corresponding male counterparts. This is simply to do
with the simple facts:
1. that girls are a lot more understanding and tolerant than guys
and therefore this level of patience means they can put up wiht
a much wider range of guys.
2. Guys are typically more superficial and egotistical, therefore
they will basically choose girls that they think are equal or
hopefully better than them.
If a guy was to enter in a long term relationship with a girl
that he didnt think was good enuff for her in anyway he would
most likely try and move on. The girl in the same situation
would probably overlook the faults of the guy and be more willing
to try and make it work. Of course there is a limit, and tolerance
levels vary with individuals, but the girl's tolerance level
is more likely more. Simply, if angelina jolie offered to go out with
a guy, a higher percentage of guys would leave their partner than
if a girl was faced with the same decision with brad pitt.
This situation creates the effect, where guys will only
go out with girls in their category or better, eg, beta
with beta or alhpa, but girls will probably go out with
a level below and perhaps 2 levels and still make it work.
The fact is a girl is not looking for the bigger better deal the
whole time.
This means at anyone time, the probability of finding an
available alpha girl is so remote, and the window of
opportunity is typically very small as the average male
can spend some time looking to upgrade. Alpha and beta males,
can quite easily get bored, often they will be available,
just looking for an opportunity, in comparisson to the
alpha female who could be quite happy with her beta male,
not that theres anythign wrong with that, its just
creates a skewiff world.
This situation means that really there are a much higher
percentage of gamma and delta females going around, and
the longer u wait the worse its going to get...
My psych makes me sit on a chair, there is a couch there but lying on it has never seemed to be an option...
Do you consider yourself an alpha male? Maybe in addition to women being more tolerant of lower echelon males, those lower echelon males are also quite aware of their 'luck' and more likely to work hard at staying in the relationship...
interesting idea anyway, even if it is a bit morose for males.
RK, it's a logical theory, but I'm not sure the premise is right. Girls can't be classes like sheep wool! And neither can guys. Where you suggest an "alpha" girl is be happy to stick with a "beta "man, that girl is likely to have a different system of rating males.
Even so, let's assume they could be classed so simplistically. There is a more correct explanation for "alpha" women ending up with "beta" or "gamma" men. If an woman is an "alpha" because she is extremely beautiful and attractive then it can be expected that she will end up with beta/gamma guy because very often such women develop a lot more insecurities because they've been with too many alpha arseholes. The insecurity leads them to look for sincerity, honesty, etc, over the more material traits.
you put a lot of thought into that!
I know what you mean about that semi-conscious state of rumination. My personal theory is that because the brain has not fallen into the day's routines yet it can wander unfettered into areas it otherwise wouldn't. It's annoying, though, when the thinking happens just before you wake up and you know that you had a profound understanding of something only five minutes ago but have no idea what the topic was, let alone what you understood about it. Last week I woke up with a map of New Zealand etched across my mind. I've got only half an idea why, and will have to wait for another time to get the rest.
Now... this grading/caste thingy you've got going here. I see where you're going, but am not too sure about your rationales for women being less choosy. I don't understand the twits some girls go out with, but I guess there's a little "why have someone like him when you could have someone like me?" kind of thing going on in my head. Lisa's probably got it right in saying that what you classify as "alpha" women have probably bounced around with a higher number of superficial twits than most. Image concsiousness is well and good, but does a girl want a man who spends longer at the mirror than she does, let alone has a higher moisturiser bill?
I've tried to figure out this kind of stuff before... in younger and more foolish (but fun) days I've knocked around with different girls at pretty much the same time.Two, I found out years later, had the same great-great-grandfather. Something in me was obviously looking for something within them. I don't know what, never will.
All I figure is that nature will take its own course. Inevitably it always does
I do strongly disagree with the core theory girls are likely to sacrifice class in this manner.
As my experience is from another country than yours - this could as well be the reason, but in general women are much more practical when making partnership decisions than man. I presume this is due to the fact that they are the ones that take charge of the reproduction and upbringing of children.
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