Some Random Conversations
Since i spend "some" time on MSN, may as well include
some dialogue. Unfortuntately if you do not know
these ppl , it may have little interest so skip over
, guess just read the subject heading.
Biggs gives up the ultimate job... says:
what doing ?
Biggs says:
umm, morgan stanley
Biggs says:
investment bank
Biggs says:
doing development of their stock trading engines
Biggs says:
pretty solid job. i had to go through 4 interviews.. total of 8 hours of interviews! was ridiculous says:
yu gotta suit up for that ?
Biggs says:
haha, nah its not as bad as a lot of the other banks in the area. only
shirt and pants at morgan stanley
Biggs says:
but its suit central in the area
Biggs says:
they call it new manhattan.. so different to the rest of london, its
high rise city
Biggs says:
i basically had to choose between this job and another job working for a games company developing the football strategy game 'championship manager' says:
ha says:
tough decision
Biggs says:
football game = dream job.. they basically asked me all questions about premier league, team formations etc in the interview
Biggs says:
yer, the guy who was the boss at championship mgr said he spent a lot of time at parties with beckham etc
Biggs says:
haha, i know.. would've been pretty fun. they had 5 a side games of football every day
r k - says:
mean u get to play 5 a side soccer at work ?
Biggs says:
yeah, play soccer at work 5 a side
Biggs says:
they basically had a transfer department at champ manager who sat and read tabloids about player transfer news every day
Biggs says:
i'd have a job where i can get paid for what i do all day alredy! says:
yer yu wouldnt have to walk around with a glass of water and piece of paper
Biggs says:
haha, exactly
Biggs says:
$$$ pretty much sold it
Biggs says:
was a pretty big difference
r k - says:
im sure stocks will be good for a while
r k - says:
then u can buy your own 5 a side team :)
Biggs says:
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