Monday, May 29, 2006

Some Random Conversations

Since i spend "some" time on MSN, may as well include
some dialogue. Unfortuntately if you do not know
these ppl , it may have little interest so skip over
, guess just read the subject heading.

Biggs gives up the ultimate job... says:
what doing ?
Biggs says:
umm, morgan stanley
Biggs says:
investment bank
Biggs says:
doing development of their stock trading engines
Biggs says:
pretty solid job. i had to go through 4 interviews.. total of 8 hours of interviews! was ridiculous says:
yu gotta suit up for that ?
Biggs says:
haha, nah its not as bad as a lot of the other banks in the area. only
shirt and pants at morgan stanley
Biggs says:
but its suit central in the area
Biggs says:
they call it new manhattan.. so different to the rest of london, its
high rise city
Biggs says:
i basically had to choose between this job and another job working for a games company developing the football strategy game 'championship manager' says:
ha says:
tough decision
Biggs says:
football game = dream job.. they basically asked me all questions about premier league, team formations etc in the interview
Biggs says:
yer, the guy who was the boss at championship mgr said he spent a lot of time at parties with beckham etc
Biggs says:
haha, i know.. would've been pretty fun. they had 5 a side games of football every day
r k - says:
mean u get to play 5 a side soccer at work ?
Biggs says:
yeah, play soccer at work 5 a side
Biggs says:
they basically had a transfer department at champ manager who sat and read tabloids about player transfer news every day
Biggs says:
i'd have a job where i can get paid for what i do all day alredy! says:
yer yu wouldnt have to walk around with a glass of water and piece of paper
Biggs says:
haha, exactly
Biggs says:
$$$ pretty much sold it
Biggs says:
was a pretty big difference
r k - says:
im sure stocks will be good for a while
r k - says:
then u can buy your own 5 a side team :)
Biggs says:

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Early morning pontification

Pontification - To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way.

Im not sure whether it seems pretentious to put a definition
of a word, that you have used in the title . After all theoretically
if your using the word you know what it means therefore you
are acknlowedging that your potential audience may perhaps not
know the word, therefore you are in someway superior in intellect.
Id like to calrify that isnt the case, as i thought about using
the word, i kept thinking it had something to do with the pope, and began
to question whether it had anything to do with thinking. So
really the definition is there for me more than it is for you.

Anyway whilst lying in bed, there is a period where you keep
going back to sleep , and then after that there is actually
a window of creativity that opens up in your mind allowing
you to come up with some potentially interesting ideas. Most
people dont get to experience this as they have to go to
work, i am lucky that i can just lie in bed till i want.
Perhaps the ideas are just interesting whilst your lying down. I
guess that is why a psychiatrist makes u lie down during
a session, or at least so Ive seen in movies ...

So i decided that I should write a version of four weddings
and a funeral , but bollywood/indian style. It seems only
logical, coz Indian movies often focus on weddings , and
ive been to a few indian (&non indian) weddings so I could
have something to draw on.

But then i began to mathematically prove in my head , that
there are virtually no good single girls available. The
emphasis being on "good". Of course there are single girls
available and as there are single guys. In fact it is more
likley that a guy will go out with 2 girls at the same
time than a girl would with 2 guys, therefore, that would
explain to a small extent why there would be less available
girls for guys, because of the number of two timing guys.
Even tho this helps prove my theory, lets for a second ignore that,
and assume the numbers are equal.

Lets categorise girls in alpha, beta, omega and delta classes.
Where alpha girls are the most desirable, and delta girls
to the majority of guys are the least desirable.
Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder so in an individual
case anything is possible. What am i hypothesising is in "longer
term" relationships excluding one night stands etc, the pool
of alpha and beta girls at any one time available is far less than
to their corresponding male counterparts. This is simply to do
with the simple facts:

1. that girls are a lot more understanding and tolerant than guys
and therefore this level of patience means they can put up wiht
a much wider range of guys.
2. Guys are typically more superficial and egotistical, therefore
they will basically choose girls that they think are equal or
hopefully better than them.

If a guy was to enter in a long term relationship with a girl
that he didnt think was good enuff for her in anyway he would
most likely try and move on. The girl in the same situation
would probably overlook the faults of the guy and be more willing
to try and make it work. Of course there is a limit, and tolerance
levels vary with individuals, but the girl's tolerance level
is more likely more. Simply, if angelina jolie offered to go out with
a guy, a higher percentage of guys would leave their partner than
if a girl was faced with the same decision with brad pitt.

This situation creates the effect, where guys will only
go out with girls in their category or better, eg, beta
with beta or alhpa, but girls will probably go out with
a level below and perhaps 2 levels and still make it work.
The fact is a girl is not looking for the bigger better deal the
whole time.

This means at anyone time, the probability of finding an
available alpha girl is so remote, and the window of
opportunity is typically very small as the average male
can spend some time looking to upgrade. Alpha and beta males,
can quite easily get bored, often they will be available,
just looking for an opportunity, in comparisson to the
alpha female who could be quite happy with her beta male,
not that theres anythign wrong with that, its just
creates a skewiff world.

This situation means that really there are a much higher
percentage of gamma and delta females going around, and
the longer u wait the worse its going to get...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Netball, the devils sport ...

All that is wrong with our world, can be summed up
in one word. Netball. Apparently its one of the most
particpated sports in Australia. Popularity doesnt
generally equate to something being good. In fact
the majority of people voted Liberal...

What netball does, is it takes "sport" , a healthy
fun activity and turns it into this evil spirit
crushing chore. The idea of sport, generaally is to
get exercise, enjoy yourself and compete against someone.
The best sports are fundamentally simple, and the rules
are second nature to what your suppose to do. Like in
soccer you cant pick up the ball, thats called "hand ball".
Cricket is a bit more complicated but everything is intuitive,
and perhaps thats the key word, nothing in netball is
intuitive. Everything you should do is not allowed,
everything you are supposed to do is exactly the opposite
of what you want to do. If you want to bounce the ball,
your suppose to pick it up, if you want to run, your suppose
to stop and when you want to use your right arm someone
tells you your suppose to use the other arm. Dont use the
arem closest to the ball use the other one, and reach in
some akward bizzare manner. And if someone is flying through
the air , make sure they have a small helicopter pad to land
on, and preferably give them some flowers on arrival. Im
surprise netball isnt under water.

The problem with society is rules, everything is rules, dont
do this dont do that, when smoking you need to be 1m from the
bar. I dont even smoke and that seems bizzare, either no
smoking or there is smoking. Not, you can smoke if your 1m
from the bar if your german and are smoking with your left hand,
and 2m from the bar if your indian and your smoking it out of
your arse. If people cant see it, then what is basically happening
is the people who made the ridiculous rules for netball are
coming up with rules in our general society today. It is killing
our free spirit, the next time you try and do something you'll
find you cant. A sport should find a natural equilibrium, just
like in life, you can't over govern.

So the next time you play netball take 2 steps, bounce the ball,
and use whatever arm you want to, to intercept the ball. Take
a stand !
Coz i can imagine if there is hell, then thats the sport they'll
be playing deep in the fiery furnace near the earths core., and
there will be the sounds of endless whistles,
and umpires saying dont do this, dont do that and what ever you
do , dont have fun!